Saturday 2 May 2020

best mother care after pregnancy

Newborn baby care tips are pivotal for effective parenting. Here we have compiled various techniques for best mother care afterpregnancy for the benefit of all moms.

Is your pregnancy test showing you the positive result? If yes than congratulations, you are pregnant. You have entered into the most beautiful time of your life. New member is about to come in your life.
Pregnancy is the time of utmost care as you face many physical, social and emotional changes. The first symptom of pregnancy in every pregnant woman includes "missed menstrual periods". This symptom clearly indicates that you are pregnant. Pregnancy also leads to many other symptoms but it is not necessary that every woman face the same symptoms. Other symptoms include Morning sickness, frequent Urination, edema on legs, weight gain and increased emotional response. It has been seen by many researchers that pregnancy leads to increase in level of neurotransmitters which directly affect the emotional response of a pregnant woman. You may feel like crying without any reason but your partner should understand your situation.
The first trimester of pregnancy (i.e. first three months) is very crucial. It is the time of formation of your baby. Baby is taking its shape. You will face many health related problems in the first trimester. Little carelessness may lead to miscarriages. The second trimester of pregnancy (i.e. fourth to sixth months) is little easy going as compared to first one. At this time formation of other parts like eyeball, fingers etc take place. This trimester is considered as the relaxing time of pregnancy. The third trimester (last three months) is troublesome like the first trimester. 
In third trimester you start gaining weight as your baby is also gaining weight. Swelling will appear on your hands, legs and face. Night sleep will now be very difficult for you. All positive and negative thought will start appearing in your mind. You will start facing problem in doing day to day activities. You can also listen to the movements of your baby. Researchers have analysed that pregnant woman usually feel around ten kicks of baby per day. There will be frequent visits to your gynaecologist. Do not worry, enjoy this time, your baby is about to come in this beautiful world.
Foetus is dependent on mother for food consumption. So it is recommended to all pregnant women to consume food rich in calcium, iron and minerals. You are only responsible for the proper growth of your baby. What you eat is what going inside the stomach of little one through placenta. Try to avoid oily food. Eat boiled vegetables, fruits and leafy vegetables. Drink two glasses of milk and one glass juice daily. Try to relieve stress from your life. If you are happy, your baby will also be happy. 
If your gynaecologist recommends you than take 30 minutes walk daily. Talk to your baby. Make him friendly with the outside environment. Listen to good ragas at the third trimester of pregnancy. If you are thinking that your baby does not understand anything inside your stomach, than you are absolutely wrong. Baby understands everything. Talk to your baby, you will get a kick from other side. It means that your baby is responding. Try it out, it really works. Enjoy this beautiful time of your life
best mother care after pregnancy

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